• Tel: 01752 224747
  • office@achieversdaynursery.co.uk

Home style meals cooked onsite

We believe that offering nutritious meals is an important part of supporting a child's development and emotional wellbeing. That's why we offer wholesome food to all children, cooked on-site, by our very experienced Cooks. All meals and snacks are prepared using fresh ingredients with lots of fruit and vegetables.

Special dietary requirements

We will discuss with you any allergies or special dietary requirements. Whilst we cater for many special dietary requirements you may be asked to provide meals where the nursery cannot accommodate your request(s).

Mealtime offerings

At breakfast time children are offered a range of cereals along with toast. In addition, morning and afternoon snacks are offered to children, typically this includes milk and fruit. Lunches vary on a weekly basis providing a range of traditional and modern meals. We only offer a light tea to avoid disturbing the family evening meal and this is served around 4pm. 

Milk and water are made available throughout the day and at snack and mealtimes. All meals are prepared with the minimum salt or sugar content.